Blender插件-149种图案灯光纹理照明环境遮罩景深树叶动画Gobos Light Textures V2

Blender图案灯光纹理库可在您的场景中生成超逼真的阴影。通过资产管理器,只需单击一下即可轻松将您的图案片导入Blender。包括14个类别149种纹理!非常适合创建具有体积、深度、真实感的场景并设计原创作品。Gobo 简单、快速且功能强大。图案片就像电影放映机。光源(聚光灯)发出带有纹理的光,用作遮罩。投影的阴影非常逼真,增加了场景的真实感。图案光纹理适用于 Cycles。(Eevee 尚不支持投影纹理)您可以轻松地将纹理调整为您喜欢的渲染引擎,如 Octane 或其他引擎。

Gobos light textures for Blender,Library of textures to generate ultra-realistic shadows in your scenes. Thanks to the asset manager it’s easy to import your gobos into Blender in 1 click. Discover a complete collection of HD ready textures for Blender. 9 categories are included. In total you will find 95 textures!A special category is available : Animated Leaves, it’s animated textures. Your animations will be incredibly realistic with these video textures. Create scenes with volume, depth, realism and design original compositions. Gobos are made for it!