专业桌面出版排版软件Affinity Publisher 2.0.3 Win学习版

借助下一代专业桌面出版软件Affinity Publisher 2.0.3,可以将您的愿景变为现实。从杂志,书籍,小册子,海报,报告和文具到其他创作,这款极其流畅,直观的应用程序使您能够将图像,图形和文本进行组合,以制作出漂亮的版面,以供出版发布。

Fluid publishing powerhouse. Bring your vision to life with Affinity Publisher, the next generation of professional publishing software. From magazines, books, brochures, posters, reports and stationery to other creations, this incredibly smooth, intuitive app gives you the power to combine your images, graphics and text to make beautiful layouts ready for publication.