CAD流程轻量级NURBS建模软件 Plasticity v1.2.14 Win学习版

Plasticity告别复杂的 CAD 工作流程,提供了 NURBS 建模和多边形建模软件的常用功能,完成轻量级建模

Plasticity is the ultimate tool for creative professionals in the video game industry, product design, and beyond. Say goodbye to clunky CAD workflows designed for manufacturability. Plasticity offers all the power of NURBS modeling combined with the best workflow innovations from polygonal modeling software. This unique combination gives you the flexibility and creativity you need to bring your ideas to life


  1. 如果你之前安装过其他版本,到C:\用户\你的用户名,里面删除.plasticity文件夹
  2. 安装Plasticity-1.2.14.Setup.exe
  3. 关闭Plasticity
  4. 右键管理员身份运行Crack文件夹里面的crk.exe
  5. 第一栏,WRK的位置选择C:\用户\你的用户名\AppData\Local\Plasticity\app-1.2.14\resources\app\.webpack\renderer
  6. 第二栏,CRK的位置选择Crack文件夹
  7. 选择pla1214.crk,点击左下角的Patch按钮两次,然后关闭
  8. 运行Plasticity
  9. 注册个账户开始试用
  10. 关闭Plasticity
  11. 在防火墙里,新建规则,屏蔽C:\用户\你的用户名\AppData\Local\Plasticity\Plasticity.exe和C:\用户\你的用户名\AppData\Local\Plasticity\app-1.2.14\Plasticity.exe
  12. 完成